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    Top Filme Indiene Va Ofera Cea Mai Mare Colectie De Filme Indiene Online Traduse

Kaminey (2009)

Posted by soryan_bad_boy on 16:20

Guddu şi Charlie sunt gemeni identici, născuţi şi crescuţi în cartierele
sărăcăcioase ale Mumbai-ului. Visul lor este să scape de sărăcie şi să
ducă o viaţă plină de prosperitate şi demnitate. Dar odată cu banii, vin
şi problemele. Iar dacă banii nu sunt prea "curaţi", problemele sunt şi
mai serioase.

Once Upon a Time in Mumbaai (2010)

Posted by soryan_bad_boy on 16:16

The film opens up with a suicidal attempt by once DCP Agnel Wilson
(Randeep Hooda) on pretext of Mumbai Blasts in 1993. When questioned, he
bursts up claiming entire responsibility upon himself, quoting 18 years
ago when he was posted as the ACP in the mumbai crime branch it was he,
who never took serious actions in rise of Shoaib Khan (Emraan Hashmi)
who has a major hand in these blasts. Wilson claims that if on those
days of Mumbai had he stopped the rise of Shoaib Khan, Mumbai would not
had been deluged in the carnage today, then he narrates the time in
Mumbai during the days of 1970, when it was ruled by Sultan Mirza (Ajay
Devgan), who by his wits had become an underworld smuggler of gold and

One 2 Ka 4 (2001)

Posted by soryan_bad_boy on 16:11

Javed Abbas (Jackie Shroff) is widowed Police Officer with four
children. His partner is Arun Verma (Shahrukh Khan). Both Javed and Arun
are honest, hard-working and diligent. And this leads to the "death" of
Javed in mysterious circumstances. After Javed's death, Arun takes over
the responsiblity of looking after his four children. He does run into
several problems and decides to seek the help of Geeta Choudhary (Juhi
chawla), who readily agrees and moves in with him and the four children.
The children take an instant liking to Geeta, and things seem to settle
down. One day Arun finds out that his former partner's death was really
a homicide. When he attempts to investigate, charges of
drug-trafficking, and bribery are brought out against him, He finds out
that Geeta is not what she claims to be, and is living a double life.

CD 1

CD 2

Do Knot Disturb (2009)

Posted by soryan_bad_boy on 16:07

Uncertainty results in the life of Delhi-based Raj when his wealthy
wife, Kiran, the sole heir to the Saxena Group of Companies, finds out
that he may be having an affair with leggy model, Dolly, who is being
stalked by her possessive ex-boyfriend, Diesel. Kiran hires a private
detective, Nunnu, who secretly loves her, to follow Dolly and Raj
around. To pull wool over their eyes, Raj recruits a former waiter,
Goverdhan, to pose as Dolly's live-in boyfriend, while an embittered
former employee, Mangu, prepares to blackmail Raj. Hilarious chaos
results when Raj starts to suspect that Goverdhan and Dolly are having
an affair.

Disco Dancer (1983)

Posted by soryan_bad_boy on 16:03

Disco Dancer is an 1982 Bollywood movie directed by Babbar Subhash and starring Mithun Chakraborty. "Jimmy, jimmy - acha acha acha!" - this song is still remembered by many of us. Bappi Lahri's songs have been remembered and always will be. All the songs of this movie are astounding.

Aayirathil oruvan (One Man in a Thousand) (2010)

Posted by soryan_bad_boy on 15:58

Intr-o mica asezare rurala, are locin fata satenilor o reprezentatie a
legendei ultimului rege al neamului Chola invins de populatia Pandi la
finalul unui razboi crancen in care Chola a capturat un idol sfant al
neamului Pandi. Inaintea bataliei finale, regele isi incredinteaza fiul,
comorile si idolul capturat unui dregator, cu porunca de a-i pune la
adapost sigur, inexpugnabil, pana la renastea neamului, oricat de mult
timp ar trece pana atunci. Toti urmasii regelui Pandi au continuat
cautarile lui Chola, pentru a se razbuna si a-si recupera idolul
pierdut, dar in zadar. In zilele noastre, fascinati de vechea legenda,
arheologii cauta neincetat, cu riscuri imense, refugiul si comorile
istorice ale Chola. Dar rand pe rand, dispar toti cei care reusesc sa se
apropie de locatia legendara. Ultima disparitie, a unui arheolog
celebru, determina organizarea unei expeditii de salvare. Echipa este
condusa de Anitha, un arheolog obisnuiti cu riscurile (un fel de
"cautatoare de comori”), de fiica celui disparut, militari pentru paza
si o echipa de muncitori specializati in dezgroparea de relicve. Si
incepe o expeditie pe o insula uitata de timp in cautarea ruinelor
stravechii asezari si a elucidarii misterului disparitiilor recente.

Awaara (1951) Vagabondul

Posted by soryan_bad_boy on 15:52

Unul din cele mai mari succese comerciale ale filmului indian, care a
facut din Raj Kapoor o vedeta internationala. Pentru ca tatal o alunga
de acasa pe mama sa, inainte ca el sa se nasca, Raj este considerat un
copil sarman. La scoala el se indragosteste de colega lui Rita, o fata
bogata. Cand se vor reintalni dupa mai multi ani, Raj va descoperi ca
tatal sau este protectorul Ritei. Isi va recunoaste tatal fiul?

Tees Maar Khan (2010)

Posted by soryan_bad_boy on 16:25

un film excelent,in stilul akshay kumar.multa comedie,muzica si ...actiune

un grup de 3 hoti pun in practica un plan genial de a fura o cantitate
insemnata de aur ,prin falsa regie a unui film ,actiunea avand loc in
orasul prin care trebuie sa treaca trenul plin cu aur si deci...locul
ideal pentru a da lovitura excelent!

I See You (2006)

Posted by soryan_bad_boy on 16:14

Shivani Dutt este medic la un spital in Londra si vrea sa denunte
traficul de organe care are loc acolo. Inainte de a putea face acest
lucru, ea sufera un accident grav si ajunge in coma la acelasi spital.
Fiind considerata ca si pierduta, medicii sugereaza mamei sale sa o
deconecteze de la aparatele care o tin in viata. Spiritul ei insa
incearca cu disperare sa gaseasca pe cineva care ar putea sa o salveze
si sa se opuna la aceasta decizie. Il gaseste ca receptor pe Raj
Jaiswal, un realizator de emisiuni tv, frumos, de succes si tipul
"Casanova", superficial si increzut. Acesta este singurul care o poate
vedea si auzi pe Shivani sub forma de spirit, de aceea anturajul lui si
prietenul sau cel mai bun cred ca are probleme psihice si il indruma
catre un specialist. Dar, pana sa afle ca ea exista cu adevarat si nu e
doar o plasmuire a mintii sale bolnave, Raj incepe sa se indragosteasca
si acest setiment nou pentru el il face sa se teama ca "visul" s-ar
putea destrama...

Veer (2010)

Posted by soryan_bad_boy on 16:08

Descriere: Veer este un film de epoca ,actiunea se
petrece in anul 1875 si este bazata pe povestea de dragoste a
razboinicului "Veer", dar si povestea clanului de razboinici neinfricati
Pindhari din secolul 19. Din paginile mistice ale istoriei se pune in
scena o poveste de mare ce pune in valoare curajul,devotamentul si
dragostea neconditionata. In vreme ce britanicii incercau sa stapaneasca
India cu premiza "divide si cucereste", regii Indiei impreuna cu
supusii s-au lasat convinsi de promisiunile acestor straini lasandu-si
pretiosul regat pe mana lor.Toti cu exceptia clanului Pindhari care
prefera moartea decat sa fie dezonorati si sunt decisi sa lupte pana la
ultimul om pentru a-si apara tara.

Jaan-E-Mann: Let's Fall in Love... Again (2006)

Posted by soryan_bad_boy on 15:40

Descriere: Agastya
Rao zis Champu, un tocilar indragostit de Piya. Ea il invita pe Champu
la o petrecere doar ca sa-l faca gelos pe rebelul Suhaan care viseaza sa
ajunga o mare vedeta. Dupa ani, Agastia ajunge astronaut la NASA, afla
ca cea pe care o iubea in scoala este pe cale sa divorteze de sotul ei si atunci se gandeste sa o
cucereasca. Cel care il ajuta sa o cucereasca pe Piya este chiar Suhaan,
motivul pentru care il ajuta este de a scapa de plata pensiei impusa de
lege in cazul unui divort. Suhaan afla ca are are o fetita cu Piya pe
nume Suhaani si vrea sa o cunoasca. Sentimentele lui fata de Piya inca

Devdas (2002)

Posted by soryan_bad_boy on 15:28


O poveste unde dragostea e mai presus de toate... Chiar si de viata.
Istoria unui barbat pe nume Devdas care a iubit, a iubit si doar a
iubit... Devdas a avut o copilarie fericita alaturi de prietena lui Paro
unde dragostea suprema a fost simtita inainte de a fi inteleasa. La
adolescenta dragostea s-a intensificat. Dar, din pacate, o clipa fatala
de slabiciune din partea lui Devdas a ridicat un zid permanent intre el
si iubita lui Paro. De-o parte a zidului era Paro cea cu inima franta
care s-a casatorit cu altul. Si pe cealalta, era Devdas cel zdrobit.
Incapabil sa suporte o viata fara Paro, Devdas isi face un prieten
constant: alcoolul. Dar nici el nu l-a ajutat. Nici chiar devotamentul
fata de curtezana Chandramukhi nu i-a linistit durerea. Numai cand ochii
ii vor fi inchisi pentru totdeauna, durerea va incepe sa paleasca. Dar
inainte sa-si piarda viata, Devdas mai vrea s-o vada pe Paro pentru
ultima oara... In felul acesta isi jertfea demnitatea pe altarul
dragostei... Era la usa lui Paro, dar usile Raiului s-au deschis pentru
Devdas. A lasat in urma marturia unei iubiri adevarate, pura, casta,
modesta... Nemuritoare. Intr-adevar, dragostea a fost viata lui si i-a
permis sa traiasca.

Cd 1

cd 2

Fida (2004)

Posted by soryan_bad_boy on 15:22


Fida tells the story of Jai who one day happen to meet a young and beautiful woman called Neha and he falls in love with her at first sight. However trying to persuade Neha was in vane to Jai, because she has no such feelings for him as he has for her. Jai turn crazy in love with Neha and couldn't find no more alternative to persuade her than suicide but his suicide attempt is unsuccessful since he is save by his best friend and Neha finally falls in love with Jai. Little by little Jai began to know that he is in love with a criminal daughter and her father owes 60 million to the underworld don. Jai decides to help Neha by grabbing the money for her because he is in love with her, to fulfilled his motive he decides to rob a bank but follow computer hacker Vikram to his house where he was trapped in a net. Neha his love turn against him and goes towards Vikram. The two accounts that were hacked by the bank belongs to underworld don Babu Anna and he also begins to chase Jai. Jai now has to run form the police and Babu Anna. But in the final showdown Jai was forced to kill Neha and rein Vikram in such a way that he had to distribute the remaining money to charity.

Humko Deewana Kar Gaye (2006)

Posted by soryan_bad_boy on 22:28


Aditya este logodit cu Sonia,iar Jia cu Karan. Intr-o zi Jia si Aditya
se ciocnesc intamplator de cateva ori pe strada si dragostea se infiripa
intre ei. Aditya povesteste secretele Jiei lui Hawab, colegul sau de
apartament care intr-o seara,beat povesteste aceste secrete unui prieten
de al sau. Ce nu stie el e faptul ca langa ei era un ziarist care aude
totul si a doua zi scrie totul in ziar. Dupa ce afla Jia de acest anunt
din ziar crede ca Aditya a spus totul ziaristilor pentru niste bani. Jia
pleaca inapoi in India. Se vor mai intalni oare ei vreodata?



Avtaar (1983)

Posted by soryan_bad_boy on 22:22


Avtaar Krishen lives a poor lifestyle with his wife, Radha, and two
sons, Ramesh and Chander. He works in a factory and toils hard so that
his sons can get the necessary education, and live a better lifestyle.
He gets injured and crippled while working, but is compensated
adequately by his employer, Bawaji. Years later his sons have grown up.
While Ramesh has married Sudha and works with a bank; Chander is wooing
Renu, the only daughter of wealthy Seth Laxminarayan. When Avtaar and
Radha wish to go on a tirathyatra (pilgrimage), they ask Ramesh to book
tickets for them, but he tells them that he has no money. When Radha
gets sick, their servant, Sewak, enters Sudha's room to get some money
for her treatment, as a result Radha does get treatment, but Sudha
blames them for stealing her money. Avtaar asks Ramesh and his wife to
get out, only to find out that the house is now in Sudha's name. AVtaar,
Radha and Sewak move out and live in a shanty hut. Their hopes are with
Chander, who does well in his exams, decides to marry Renu, and moves
out without financially assisting his parents. Now Avtaar and Radha are
elderly and dependent on Sewak, and the question remains will they
resign themselves to this existence, if not, what possibly can a
crippled older male accomplish, especially at this time in his life?

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