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Gundaraj (1995)

Posted by soryan_bad_boy on 15:14


Ajay Chauhan lives with his dad, mom, and a younger sister. He is in love with the lovely Pooja, and hopes to marry her someday. His dad wants him to get a job and settle down, and then get married. Ajay applies for a job in Bombay, and soon receives a letter asking him to appear for an interview. He attends the interview, and is hired. Delighted to see all his dreams coming true, he goes to offer his thanks to God, and it is there a woman named Pratika Jetley sees him and notifies the police that he is indeed the one who had brutally raped three young women in a college campus. Ajay vehemently denies this, but is personally identified and criminally held responsible, convicted and sentenced to prison. Several years later he is released from prison, and finds out that his dad had killed himself, his mom and sister are untraceable, and Pooja had killed herself rather than marry anyone else. He sets out to put his life together and meets with a ruthless police inspector, whose daughter was one of the rape victims. It is then Ajay finds out why he was charged with the rape, and the conspiracy behind this plot to frame him.



Partea I
Partea II 
Partea III 
Partea IV 

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